Granite and Pied Morphs
The picture above and below are the same gecko. You can see how the orange around his toes and mouth in the first pic have completely dissappeared in the second
This is when I first noticed him changing. The spots on his head are still orange.
One of the morphs we're working with here at Lucky Foot Geckos is the granite morph.
The granite morph is one of those weird morphs with unknown genetics that's impossible to reproduce intentionally. It also doesn't show up right away, but is a progressive morph, meaning that if the gecko is going to be a granite morph you won't know it for six months or more.
The granite morph is linked in some way to the granited pied or calico morph, but again because of those unknown genetics no one knows how or why. This also means that your granite morph might turn into a calico/pied sometime down the road.
A lot of this is speculation but in my opinion an indicator of the calico/pied morph is the eyes. Standard granites seem to have granite coloring (sometimes with orange highlights) and normal eyes while granites changing to pied will have black, silver, or somehow unusual eyes.
Our one success with pairing granites is Darkseid.
He's changing into a calico/pied. Here are some pictures of his progression.
The granite spots are still a bit pinkish.
This big guy is Darkseid's dad
This is his mom. She was bred by Spotted Scales and has granite/pied ancestry
Those copper eyes are a hint of things to come
He fires up really dark so he hasn't changed color, but you can see the white spots on his head that weren't there before.
You can see how the spots on his head as well as all his toes are starting to turn white. The black spots on his back are also starting to get white spots on them.