The main questions I see when people ask about tokays are:
1. Feeding
2. Housing
3. Sexing
4. Taming
I'll try to cover those here.
(feeding and housing will be under general care)
Is it a boy or a girl?
This is the million dollar question.
The best way to check on your own is to get a good loupe. If you can't figure it out you can try on the Tokay Gecko Keepers Group or Tokay Geckos on Facebook but you'll need a clear picture or no one will be able to give you a definite answer.
Females are the hardest to sex because some will have pseudo pores that will look so real that you'd swear she was a boy. This is why a loupe is so handy. If you can get close you'll be able to tell if that pore is just a dimpled scale or if there's a waxy substance in it.
Taming your gecko
Taming your gecko needs patience more than anything else. I can't stress this enough. Tokays are defensive by nature and if they feel they're in danger or anything else that sparks that tokay attitude they're going to bite you. My tamest tokays will nip me every so often just as a big FU because they don't like that pat that was fine the last 100 times I did it. That's just the tokay attitude.
The thing to do is try not to appear as a threat. When I'm taming I try to cup my tokay's face in my palm and stroke their back or tail. The idea with this is to let them know you're there without holding them in place. Make sure that they're able to run through your fingers, back out, or even nip. When you're working with them, grabbing and squeezing in any way is going to be counterproductive. Cup them against you gently. Let them run from hand to hand if that works for them. Scoop, don't grab. Try not to make your hand seem like a bird of prey coming from above.
Be aware that you're going to be bitten. Often. And it will hurt.
Gloves are an option if it makes you feel more relaxed when you work with your tokay. They can tell if you're nervous and will take advantage of it. Barking and biting is designed to make you run after all. Always try to stop on a good note.
Taming is always easier if they're younger.
This is the same girl as the above video
This one is a brand new project.