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Other Morphs

Some other morphs that are out there, both named and unnamed.   


Some of the morphs is the tokay world are unknown.  It might be out there and look different but the only way to find out what's going on with the animal is to reproduce it which takes time and effort.  

Many thanks to everyone from the Tokay Gecko Keepers Facebook Group that donated pictures to help out. 

The pictures above and below belong to Joshua Carson.  They are a yellow spot tokay morph

Mike Maugeri donated this photo of a handful or morph and normal tokays.  

The pictures above and below belong to Pejean Toenggono and are a perfect example of why tokay morphs are so weird.  They both look like a normal gecko, but especially in the case of the above gecko there are a lot of places where it's different.  The only way to figure it out is to breed it and see what you get.  These weird morphs fall under the heading of "oddball"  

This is a granite morph from Pejean Toenggono   It's possible that the orange extremities will turn solid granite over time. 

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